Enjoy your vacation! Version 3.7.16 of Keepeek will take care of everything while you're away!

July 13, 2015
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This is some text inside of a div block.
enjoy your vacation version 3716 of keepeek will take care of everything while you re away

Go off on vacation with peace of mind! This Friday, 10 July, 2015 our team successfully launched the new version of Keepeek 360° on the Keepeek Standard Cloud. It will be available on the Premium Standard Cloud on Friday, 17 July, 2015. You can now discover the modifications and new functions in this new version!

Replace information.txt files with PDF files in export zips.

When you export your media, you can note the presence of an informations.txt file. This collects all media content information within your export. At the moment, it is possible to replace this text file with a PDF contact sheet in order to have a more harmonious account.

Generating PDF contact forms from the responsive user portal

The responsive user portal has evolved. It now includes the possibility of generating PDF contact forms directly from your basket. This is an incredible time-saving concept and avoids you having to generate the form from the back office.

New functions in dynamic gallery generation

With the last update, we announced the possibility of generating dynamic galleries from your files. Make the most of our new functions which allow you to add a field in order to display a description of media content and order the display of your media based on a form field.


  • Ordering of PDF contact forms.
  • Discover Keepeek today!

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