RAJA packs a punch with Keepeek!

October 8, 2014
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In 2013, RAJA, a European leader in packaging distribution, launched a call for tender for the establishment of a Communication Group media library. The Keepeek Digital Asset Management solution was selected by the communication department in partnership with Novarchive, a paperless media company.

Two objectives were given in terms of the development of this project: the preservation and enhancement of the company’s photographic and audiovisual data and the desire to make this collection available to the Communication Service and its subsidiaries, on the eve of the sixtieth anniversary of the RAJA group.

The heritage of the communication department of the groupe RAJA hosted by Keepeek DAM

© Photogestion, Daniel HennemandThe photographic archives cover the entire history of RAJA: beautiful black and white images of the first conferences in the 1960s, chaired ever year its president, Danièle Kapel-Marcovici. Reading through the first documents, it is possible to get a sense of the innovative spirit of the company. These images reflect the evolution of the company: product catalogs, the milestones of the company's development, the various sites, logistics, equipment, storage, construction of the offices in Tremblay-en-France in 1997 and the development of its European subsidiaries.

RAJA iconographic elements are digitized

© Photogestion, Daniel HennemandSpecial care has been taken in the digitization of the various types of media available: photographic prints, 24 × 36 slides, medium format transparencies etc. As for video elements, different formats had to be juggled: VHS, Hi8, Beta, DigiBeta, etc. Document processing took place over a period of four months: pasting archives, editorial selection, scanning and indexing.

Today, we have a rich database of 28,000 visuals and 300 videos that have been progressively made available to communication teams within the RAJA Group.

The philosophy of Keepeek seduced us to the point of wanting to manage other documentary entities within the group such as the contemporary art fund, born of a desire to support artists, the Danièle Marcovici Foundation which supports projects for women, and our visual web center (banners, newsletters, animations). The diversity of these uses show the modular extent of the Keepeek solution. The same tool can be adapted to the uses and needs of a very broad range of teams. Daniel Hennemand, October 8, 2014

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