New v4.20.0 : organize your media more easily than ever!

January 3, 2019
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Discover Keepeek new version 4.20.0

Keepeek extends the magic of Christmas and invites you to discover its latest innovations.

In December, Keepeek filled your stockingswith lots of tools to facilitate your document management.

With the focus placed mainly on the evolution of thesauri, this version will delight both editors and managers of the DAM.

But not to worry, visitors to your user portals won't be left out! We have some cool new changes in store for them which will allow them to personalise their experience.

🗓 All these new functionalities are available to you in version 4.20.0, released on the cloud on December 26.

1/💥 NEW 💥 For database managers

You know Keepeek's keyword: Productivity!

Here are a few extra somethings to save you time in managing your Thesauri:

- Extraction of a Thesaurus branch: You already had the option to export your entire Thesaurus in CSV format. Now you can export only the branch that interests you.

- Description display: Easily find descriptions for specific Thesaurus terms

- Hiding counters: Did you know that Keepeek allows you to hide the counters indicating the usage of your Thesaurus terms so that it can be displayed more quickly?

The revolution continues in your Folder tree! Keepeek now allows you to duplicate a folder structure (without its media) so you no longer need to manually re-create an existing structure. Perfect if you're managing marketing campaigns or multiple brands with identical subfolders in your DAM!

And we're taking the opportunity to allow you to finally be able to move a file to the root of the Folder tree (a privilege reserved for administrators).

2/💥 NEW 💥 For editors

Replacing the content of a Thesaurus field: significantly reduce the number of clicks needed in batch processing.

- Display and use of synonyms: find Thesaurus terms more easily thanks to synonyms.

- Status change in bulk: At Keepeek, we are aware that you are working with more and more bulk media. As such, we could no longer leave you with only the possibility of performing your actions in batches of 200 media, and having to do this again dozens of times.

- You can now benefit from our first step towards bulk management: the change of status . Find the Change status feature in all search modes and apply it to the entirety of your search results.

- Integration of comments into the media preview: In collaborative mode, navigate more easily between the comments on an item and the editing of its index or its physical file. The comments have been moved from their isolated window to join in on the winter gathering occupying a new tab in preview mode! Take the opportunity to go from one comments thread to another without having to close the comments by navigating through the various media.

3/⚡️ OPTIMIZED ⚡️ User portals - Quicker access to your favorite categories

Find your favorite folders and categories displayed directly on your homepage.

4/💥 NEW 💥 API - User Management

Keepeek provides you with all the tools you need to manage your database through our REST API. We have complemented this with user management: creation of groups or users, access to their information and updates. So many new queries allowing you to be autonomous even without the use of an interface.

Discover Keepeek today!

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