News about the 4.67 Keepeek release

December 9, 2021
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Some long-awaited new options in the collaborative features!

Two evolutions in the baskets

Duplicate a basket

To facilitate the creation of baskets with recurring participants, it is now possible to duplicate a basket, with the option to keep or not the same list of members. A button appears on each basket to duplicate it. A popup window then displays some options to modify the name and description and add a message to be sent to the members of the new basket:

basket duplication in Keepeek

Please note: the assets contained in the original basket are not added to the new basket

Search by basket owner

Much anticipated by regular users of the baskets, a new feature makes it possible to search all the baskets created by a particular person. You'll never have to scroll through all your baskets again looking for the one you want!

A frequent use case is for admins to easily find all the baskets belonging to a person who has left the organization, so they can retrieve their contents.

To filter your baskets, display the list of all your baskets and type the name or the email of the owner in the corresponding field, in the left menu.

Search by workflow owner

In the same vein, you can now also search workflows by the initiator of a filing or download request, or the creator of a custom workflow. This feature is ideal, for example, for finding a download request that needs to be processed urgently in a few seconds.

Duplicate a folder structure with its assets

It was already possible to duplicate an entire folder structure. In this same feature, an additional option has been added to allow you to also copy the assets contained in this tree structure. The 'copy items' feature allows you to add items from the initial tree to the new tree created, without removing them from the initial tree.

ATTENTION, the items will not be duplicated, but only added to the new tree. The same items will therefore be accessible from both trees: the initial tree and the new generated tree.

Recover field settings from one sheet to another

It is now possible to copy the structure of one media sheet to another. For example, when you set up sections and fields on a new image sheet, you can get the same organization (sections and fields) on a new video, audio or other sheet.

Media weight in megabytes (MB) in csv exports

In csv exports, it is possible to export the storage space data used by the original asset and its various formats. Until now, this weight was exported in bytes, which was not very readable. It is now proposed in MB.


- The default icons of InDesign files, fonts and RAR files had switched to their old versions. The new icons have been restored.

- Untimely refresh of default thumbnails: we have fixed a problem with the refresh of thumbnails when saving files of type "other" and "sound".

- In the YouTube module, the 'Tags' field was shorter than the 'Tags' field in YouTube, they are now the same length for better interoperability.

- An anomaly in the processing of DNG files resulted in thumbnails that were too dark. This problem has been fixed.  

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