See which keywords are being searched

You can consult the terms searched by your users to better understand usage, identify gaps or indexing problems in your DAM.

You can consult the terms searched for by your users to better understand usage, identify gaps or indexing problems in your DAM.

Thanks to the statistics module, available in the 'Settings' section, you can access the details of the words searched for by your users.In particular, a filter allows you to display the searches that did not bring back any results ('unsuccessful searches').

This feature allows you to identify relevant actions to be taken:identify words that do not bring back any results even though there is content that matches: facilitate searches by adding synonyms to your keywords.identify subjects for which there is no media even though your users need it: collect this content from resource persons or order the creation of this media.identify people who have difficulty using the application: offer a mini-training session or a video tutorial to guide them in their use.

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