DAM Keepeek software version 374

April 13, 2014
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This is some text inside of a div block.
dam keepeek software version 374

The new version of Keepeek 360° was successfully launched onto our Keepeek Cloud this Saturday, 12 April, 2014. Why wait? Discover all the new functions now!

New customized scripts module

Try out customized treatments thanks to the new scrips module. This mechanism allows you to automate repetitive tasks or activate heavy treatments on your base. This is used, in the main, to ensure synchronization of media with other data. It means large media exports can be launched. It can also be used to generate statistical files on your base. A new menu appears in the interface to launch and monitor the execution of customized scripts.

Basket comments

The collaborative aspect of baskets comes fully into play with this new function which allows you to exchange comments on basket content. Consult comment threads and participate in discussions in a mere click of the mouse!

Customize your search engine settings

It is now possible to modify the behavior of your search engine by simply changing the settings. A space can be interpreted as an "OR" or an "AND". In the first instance, all indexed media with at least one of the entered terms will appear in the search results. If the "AND" option is selected, only the indexed media with all terms will be included in the search results.

Data export

As an administrator, you can now export entire files, scroll down value lists and suggestion lists in CSV format.

Corrections:Correction - time delay when deleting basket share recipients.

  • Implementation of new dimensional video meta data.
  • Deletion - Indexable field limit.
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