The Keepeek Team is ever growing: the Bretons are moving out!

July 30, 2019
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This time it’s the breton agency that deals with cardboard boxes. It was time for the French leader of the DAM to move, with more than 28 members of staff in Rennes, in a location 180 square meters. The yearning for big spaces was more than present: off to Henri-Fréville!

From metro station Anatole France to République, next stop: Henri-Fréville

The first two keepeekians set foot in Rennes in 2013. Some born and raised bretons wanted to go back to their roots, and the decision was made to open an agency at the heart of the breton capital. The Rennes basin, overflowing with digital talents, soon counted 2 to 5 then more than 28 people. This 13 July 2019, the staff had the opportunity to move into almost 450 square meters between metro stations Henri-Fréville and Clémenceau.

After ten years of existence, it was time to go big

Always concerned with the well being of their employees, the services of the new Rennes premises answer their every needs with a lounge, a fully-equipped kitchen and a lift for mobility-impaired people.

By metro, bus, train, car (with a parking lot), or bike – why not with an electric scooter 

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